Ghost Notes edit


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  • Benny404
    00 03/04/2007 21:03

    Scritto da: -maelstrom- 03/04/2007 18.37
    Li adoro, ho tutta la discografia. Ad andare proprio a cercare la mia preferita è forest of october. Il mio bassista ha cenato con loro ancora qualche anno fa...nulla di che

    solo... [SM=x1303763]

    odio il tuo bassista che s'è goduto i rutti di Mendez... [SM=x1303761]

    [Modificato da Benny404 03/04/2007 21.03]

    Post: 3.440
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    Industrial Mod
    00 03/04/2007 22:43

    Scritto da: -maelstrom- 03/04/2007 18.37
    Li adoro, ho tutta la discografia. Ad andare proprio a cercare la mia preferita è forest of october.

    anche la mia preferita è Forest Of October [SM=x1303762]
  • Benny404
    00 17/05/2007 16:57


    Peter Lindgren has stepped down from his guitar wielding duties after 16 years in Opeth. Below is an open letter from Peter addressing the issue:

    "It is with sadness I announce that Opeth and I are going separate ways after almost 16 years. The decision has been the toughest I've ever made but it is the right one to make at this point in my life.

    The reason behind this is that I feel that I simply have lost some of the enthusiasm and inspiration needed to participate in a band that has grown from a few guys playing the music we love to a world-wide industry. The love of music has always been, and still is, our motive, but I personally have lost something along the way. The massive amount of touring has taken its toll. Opeth has worked extremely hard to get where we are right now and in order to persist and maintain the quality of the music, it is necessary that we continue to work hard and always stay focused. But in doing so, it means that we nowadays spend 18 or 19 months on the road and I don't feel the same enthusiasm for the upcoming world tour that I have felt earlier. I have come to a point where I realize I won't be able to give the band 100%, and from both sides this will not be good enough for what Opeth stands for. I will always love playing, listening to, and living music, but I will do it differently from now on.

    These years has easily been the best of my life and I will always cherish the memory of what we have experienced together. I would like to thank the band, our management, record label people, all the bands I've made friends with for everything. Most of all, I would like to thank the fans from the depth of my heart for the support throughout the years.

    I wish Mikael, Martin, Per and Axe all the best and I am confident they will continue doing the greatest music in the world!! /Peter"


    Fredrik Åkesson has been confirmed as being the new guitarist in Opeth. Visit his MySpace at:

    Says Mikael Åkerfeldt: "Well, I think it's too soon right now to fully be able to explain what I feel. Peter and I had been working in this band together for almost half of our lives and we shared some unforgettable experiences together all over the world. We will obviously remain friends and this "break up" has been on very good terms from both sides. We all wish him the best of luck with his future ventures!

    Fredrik was the only name that popped up thinking about a replacement for Peter. In my opinion he's one of the top 3 guitar players out of Sweden. We all get along great as we've known each other for maybe 4 years + he already has the experience to take on the circus-like lifestyle we lead as members of Opeth.

    I can't wait to see what he can bring to the table musically and also to get out on the roads touring together. His first gig will be at the Ilosaari festival in Finland. I'm sure he'll shit his pants before that one, but then will I!"

    questo sarebbe il sostituto... [SM=g27818]

    [SM=g27813] [SM=g27813] [SM=g27813]
    Post: 465
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    Sesso: Maschile
    00 17/05/2007 21:28
    Che brutto! E poi ha tre emg mi sembra, brutto e sborone...speriamo sia solo una foto venuta male.

    Forset of october è proprio bella, già dal titolo lo si capiva
  • Benny404
    00 03/06/2007 00:47
    magari è la foto che è uscito male... [SM=g27816]

    'My Belief In This Band And Its Music Is As Strong As Ever' - May 27, 2007

    OPETH mainman Mikael Åkerfeldt has issued the following update:

    "Yeah, I'm writing and it's going well. I've always been extra productive when there's a big change in my life. Sure, I write a lot of shit as well, but the way I see it is you gotta wade through some shit to find the pearls. I've deleted a few dozen ideas from my harddrive because they're not on par or better than the best stuff I've got so far. Yet, the perception of what's 'shit,' as in 'bad music,' differs radically from person to person. So I guess the worldwide response to the next OPETH record is going to be a 'masterpiece that fucking sux'....

    "I'm a musician and I will always be a musician. OPETH has been the vehicle for my musical experiments for a good 17 years. I will forever be attached to that name and I wouldn't have it any other way. OPETH Mark 264758 consists of five guys who all have made up their mind a long time ago. We're musicians, whether it's with OPETH or something else, that fact will always stay the same.

    "It troubles me that out of all our past members, none or not many of them have continued with music as far as I know. I haven't heard from [Martin] Lopez in a long time; I don't know what he's doing but I hope he's playing. DeFarfalla is a politician, Nordin is an aspiring long-distance cyclist, I think David Isberg might have something cooking...don't know exactly what though. Fuck knows what the rest of 'em are doing, but they're not playing as far as I know. It's like their idea of being a musician died when they parted ways with this band. With that said, I have no bitterness or resentment towards any of them and I sure as hell wish them the best of luck with whatever they're doing. I'm just slightly surprised, that's all.

    "I hope Peter [Lindgren, guitar] won't follow that trend....

    "Yes, speaking about Peter....

    "I hired him as a bass player for a gig (with ASPHYX and DESULTORY) in 1991. We've been friends since the '80s and we knew we'd play together eventually. His band at the time were rehearsing next door to us and we're basically a three-piece then consisting of myself, David Isberg and Anders Nordin. We got a guy playing guitar for that gig so that's why Peter played bass. He soon switched to guitars. We had the same ones actually, Yamahas...kinda shit guitars but they looked alright....he had a black one and I had a white one with blood painted on it and a SAMAEL sticker below the bridge. We met up several times a week and just played guitar for hours. Most of the material for the first record was written in my boy room in Hagsatra.

    "Not a day goes by without me thinking about those days. I miss him, what the fuck else can I say? Yet, it's how it is...I'm sure good things will come out of this.

    "The reaction to this news has been mixed but rather calm and 'good.' I understand the sadness you feel, but it's quite heartwarming to see that most of you are welcoming Fredrik Åkesson into the band. He deserves it! He's a marvellous guitar player, really! Great guy too, we hang out a lot, at least once a week. When I'm not hanging out with him, Mendez is...

    "Musically I will just continue to write music as I always have and I hope to have some contributions from the other guys as well. We don't feel like stopping just yet. As long as we feel that we can pull out a few cool tunes I think we'll try and have them recorded and released. I mean, I'm still fucking excited about music, being in this band and all. I still giggle like a fucking kid after I've come up with something that sounds cool. Myself and Jonas Renkse are talking maybe 10 times a day, playing new riffs through the phone. He's writing for a new BLOODBATH and a KATATONIA record and...yeah, it feels like the old days when we didn't do anything else than write and record stuff. With all the shit that's happened to this band lately I can't help but to feel psyched about the future. And my belief in this band and its music is as strong as ever."

    Prime parole anche di Fredrik:

    "Prima di tutto voglio dire che sono molto eccitato e onorato di far parte degli OPETH — una band e delle persone fantastiche. Capisco che Peter mancherà. È un ottimo chitarrista e un bravissimo ragazzo... sarà difficile sostituirlo ma farò del mio meglio e oltre".

    "Grazie infinite a tutti i fan degli OPETH per il benvenuto!!!! Non vedo l'ora di incontrarvi on the road..."

    Auguri a Frederik e Buon Lavoro. che sia degno del suo precedessore.
    Post: 16.633
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    Metal Mod
    00 22/08/2007 01:02
    Uscirà il 22 ottobre sotto etichetta Peaceville Records "The Roundhouse Tapes", il nuovo live album degli Opeth registrato al Camden Roundhouse di Londra il 9 novembre 2006.

    CD1: 'When', 'Ghost Of Perdition', 'Under The Weeping Moon', 'Bleak', 'Face Of Melinda', 'Night And The Silent water'.
    CD2: 'Windowpane', 'Blackwater Park', 'Demon of the Fall'.

    All'inizio doveva uscire un dvd di questo concerto,ora invece è certa l'uscita del doppio cd ma incerta quella del dvd

    I'm in hell without you
    Cannot cope without you two
    Shocked at the world that I see
    Innocent victim, please rescue me
    Post: 666
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    Niubbo in trasferta
    00 26/08/2007 21:19
    non mi piacciono, so solo che hanno una tecnica eccellente, ma il loro genere non mi piace [SM=g27812]
    Post: 355
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    Produttore di Muco
    00 13/09/2007 10:59
    Ho appena comprato Damnation... è qualocsa di strano...

    bellissimo però [SM=x1303767]
    "Vinci per noi magica Atalanta,vinci per noi magica Atalanta Ooo-ooo-ooo..."
    This is Bono!

    Un muto dice a un sordo "un cieco ci sta spiando e uno zoppo ci sta inseguendo!"
    Post: 6.649
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    Sesso: Maschile
    00 13/09/2007 17:43
    Ho anche io Damnation, finalmente. Moooooolto bello, l'assenza del growl gli fa sfiorare la perfezione.
    Post: 2.392
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    Sesso: Femminile
    Niubbo in trasferta
    00 19/10/2007 23:07
    Damnation è un bell'album, ma troppo tecnico per i miei gusti. Tanto che l'ho sentito una volta sola e mi è bastato. XD Comunque trovo riuscite canzoni come Windowpane e Death Whispered a Lullaby, sono avvolte da atmosfere che sanno emozionare. Deliverance, in quanto gemello di Damnation segue la stessa linea troppo tecnica. È comunque un album apprezzabilissimo e ci sono capolavori come Deliverance e A Fair Judgement.
    Secondo me l'album più bello dell'intera produzione Opeth è Blackwater Park: non solo per la sua completezza stilistica ma anche per la presenza di pezzi davvero eccelsi (primi tra tutti Harvest, The Drapery Falls, Dirge for November e Blackwater Park). Altro album che trovo fantastico è Ghost Reveries: possiede sonorità molto suggestive e la disposizione dei brani è azzeccatissima, tanto che l'ascolto non annoia. Pezzi rappresentativi di questo album sono senz'altro Ghost of Perdition, Reverie/Harlequin Forest, Beneath the Mire e Hours of Wealth.
    Della produzione pre-Blackwater Park non ho molto da dire, a riguardo. Senza dubbio sono fatti benissimo, ma rappresentano una fase antecedente a quella odierna, decisamente più prog. Per questo, da non-progster, trovo Orchid di una noia comatosa, Morningrise un po' meno (ma cavolo, c'è Black Rose Immortal che già è una endovena da sé! XD), Still Life è abbastanza riuscito, mentre non ho avuto modo di ascoltare My Arms, Your Hearse (a parte Circle of Tyrants).

    Insomma, suddivido gli Opeth in periodo pre-BWP e periodo post-BWP. Preferisco decisamente il periodo post, dalle sonorità più cupe e più Death. [SM=g27811]
    [Modificato da Dragon85 19/10/2007 23:08]



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  • LonelyBoy94
    00 06/04/2008 13:36
    Bravi davvero bravi..
    Nel giro di qualche settimana sono entrati nei miei gruppi preferiti, secondi solo ai SOAD.

    Gli album che mi piacciono di più sono Blackwater Park, Orchid, Damnation e My arms, your hearse..

    [SM=x1303775] [SM=x1303775] [SM=x1303775]